Back in the saddle again
February saw me meekly crawling back to Ed Levin's bunny hills to practice kiting and launching.
Then, 3 weeks ago, decided to do the 600 hill with a bunch of others (Charlie, Rich, Nir, Uwe, Steve, Ricardo) since noone could go off the top (wind was over the back). Rode in Steve's van like a bunch of illegals crossing the border. Launches were great, landing had to run out twice. On second landing, people informed me that there was a crimp in my lines somewhere. Hmm, that explained the landings! Wally found it and fixed it since even kiting it, neither I nor others could see where the problem was. So, after 8 months of not flying: launching was ok, thermalling was ok, since even with a non-optimal wing I could thermal a bit ("you flew well though", said Wally and Rob), landing also ok. PRE-FLIGHTING SUCKED! Don't know what it is about the darn 600, seems to bring the worst out. At least not as bad as the quarter-tip-fold launch of summer 2005. After the fix, the third flight was perfect in all respects.
March 23 saw me go off the top at Ed Levin. Rode with Tim S, Peter Jennings, and Celia. After 20-30 minutes of fixing Tim's flat, we were ready to go. Saw Josh, Celia and another guy go off, then I went next. Great launch, but an extended sledder. Peter and the hangie after me didn't do any better either. Great landing. Went home so that Jo could attend Naatak's nautanki. Then took Chinmay to Riya's birthday party where Jo came directly after her play. Day where everyone had 'their' activity!
Finally, March 25 08, last day before I am an year older and none the wiser!
Everybody away at work, end of the fiscal year. Reviews are over, and I got a good one. Stretch goals have all largely been fullfilled. People over me away, people under me away. Dump is working. Why not quit early?
Launched pretty well. Glider came up and I turned to go but glider had other ideas. It took me backwards, and previously I would have panicked and killed it then. This time I was patient, walked back under it, and gave it a few seconds. Then launched and got airborne nicely. Did a few passes to the left of Walkers and rode the lift in the bowl to take me about 100 above Walkers. Then headed over to Westlake. Note to self: lift in bowl to the left of Walkers much better even in WSW conditions while coming back (ie North) for obvious reasons.
Did some videoing with Chinmay's coolpix. Air was nice and buoyant, lift in predictable places. Forgot to turn the vario on, but no matter. Decided to land after half-an-hour because thought fog was rolling in. Landing was good, except draped the wing and lines over the thorniest f**** bush I have ever seen. It took me 50 minutes to clear it, untangle the lines, kite it to see if all was well. By then sun out and traces of the fog were gone.

Hiked back up, noob taking up launch graciously stepped aside, and I launched even better than last time. Did the same 2-3 passes to left of Walkers and went over to Westlake.
What a great one hour! Saw the sun set, saw Golden Gate bridge, saw hangies doing some acro manouvers, saw other PGs playing near the stables, shot lots of video and stills. With this flight I am well past the 20 hours needed for the P3 rating, my urgent current goal now!

Golden Gate bridge in the distance.
3 PGs and a Hangie.
Also great that I finally got to fly with my new Mountain Hardwear jacket at the coast since getting it in August last year, where it was meant to be worn. Did figure eight turns to get down, and this time landed in the semi-paved area closer to the parking lot and didn't drape over any bushes.
Labels: Dump, Mussel rock, Photography, Video