BAPA Anderson Flat fly-in
Went for the annual BAPA Anderson Flat fly-in near Yosemite. Same drill: get up at 3:45am to be at Ron's by 4:45am so that we (Ron, Mihir, and I) could leave in Ron's truck by 5am to be at the LZ and cabin by 8:30am. Long story short, got skunked the first day and spent wandering around trying to discover some alternate, old launches.

Actual launch

My launch
Hmm, could torpedo more aggressively!
Snow-capped mountains if you zoom in

Jules seemed to boating around in nice thermals, but when I launched, the clouds had moved in and covered the entire valley in shade for 15 minutes. Yup, nothing I could stay in, so it was a sledder. Anyway, we had all been warned many times about the long glide to the LZ, the lack of any bailout LZs anywhere (trees trees everywhere) and I didn't want to play around in anything I couldn't stick, so was especially conservative.
Praveen in the air
While the LZ is a bit intimidating when seen from launch, surrounded as it is by tall pilot-eating trees, it's not as bad once you get closer. Had an uneventful landing, and pronounced "another one for the log books". Unfortunately, the logistics of getting to and from launch seemed to rule out another flight. Not quite sure why, since the drive to launch from the LZ is only 20 minutes or so on a rutted track that is passable once it's dry. But for this crowd of pilots, it was more about socializing than flying since most have been flying for a long time and are pretty sated by now. Besides, 20 minutes after I launched, the sun came out again, and the people who launched 30-40 minutes after me had some good thermalling, although noone got up high enough to see the Yosemite valley which you can do from about 7000+ feet (lunch is at 5400 ft). Came back to the bay area by 7pm.
Dogwoods starting to flower